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Florist's Choice Bouquet - Seasonal Stems


Let our expert florists handpick the freshest and most beautiful seasonal blooms for your bouquet. With a focus on longevity, we carefully select each stem to ensure that your arrangement lasts as long as possible. You can choose your preferred color scheme and we will work our magic to design a truly stunning bouquet just for you. To ensure that you are completely satisfied, please let us know in the notes or card message section if there are any stems or colors you would like us to avoid using. Order now and let us create a one-of-a-kind arrangement that will take your breath away!

  • Please Note:

    At our florist, we take great pride in providing our customers with the freshest and most beautiful flowers for their special occasions. However, due to seasonal availability, some of the stems featured in our bouquets may not always be in season. In such cases, our expert florists may need to substitute certain stems with ones that are in season to ensure that you receive the freshest and most long-lasting stems available.

    Rest assured, we will always keep to the same color scheme and use stems that are as close to the picture as possible. Our team is committed to creating stunning arrangements that meet our high standards and exceed your expectations. If you have any questions or concerns about our substitutions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're always happy to help you find the perfect bouquet for your needs.

    Delivery: We prioritise and have set times for our funeral orders, however, if you have a specific time in mind when it comes to bouquet delivery, please call our team to discuss the possibility of accommodating your request.


TEL: +44 20 8524 0222 /

Kings Florist, 119A Old Church Rd, London E4 6ST, United Kingdom


MONDAY/FRIDAY - 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM

SATURDAY - 19:00 AM - 3:00 PM

SUNDAY - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Please Note: Kindly note that our store hours may vary. To ensure you don't miss us and to avoid any inconvenience, feel free to give us a call to confirm our availability. 

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